How well do you know Aliens?

Take our quiz and find out

All right sweethearts, you know the drill! Assholes and elbows! James Cameron’s peerless sci-fi horror Aliens celebrates its 30th anniversary this year – and to mark the occasion, we’ve put together a quiz so fiendish, you’ll need more than a Power Loader suit to defeat it. Be warned: devious facehuggers will change the questions every time you play. Express elevator to hell, going down…

How well do you know Aliens?



What does Frost wish they could have got a little bit more of?

What is Hicks' first name?

What does Vasquez have written on the side of her Smart Gun?

The special edition release of Aliens is notable primarily for the reintroduction of what?

Who plays Private Hudson?

What was the tagline for Aliens?

What is the name of the town on LV-426 where the colonists live?

Which of the following marines bears the highest rank?

Which birthday was Ripley's daughter about to celebrate when she left for space?

What is Private Hudson's most famous line?

According to Newt, when do the aliens mostly come out?

What does Hicks like to keep handy for close encounters?

After the initial encounter with the aliens, what is Ripley's suggested course of action?

Which actor plays the android, Bishop?

What is Vasquez's response to Hudson's insult, "You ever been mistaken for a man?"

According to Apone, what is a day in the marine corps like?

What question does Newt ask Ripley before going into hypersleep?

Complete this quote from Private Hudson: "is this gonna be a stand up fight, sir, or another…"?

Complete this line from Private Hudson: "Stop your grinnin' and…"

Name the ship that transports the marines to the colony?

Name the planet upon which the action takes place?

Which prop is Apone rarely seen without?

What is Newt's real name?

When the movie begins, how long has Ripley been in hypersleep?

In which area do the marines first engage the alien threat?

What does Frost suggest they use to fight the aliens after the pulse rifle magazines are confiscated?

Who composed the score to Aliens?

During the dinner scene aboard ship, what's on the menu?

What corporation owns the terraforming operation?

Which colonial marine is the first to die?

Which American comedian plays company man Carter J Burke?

How does Vasquez first refer to Ripley?

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